Category: Moving out of home & living in Melbourne

  1. It’s a Process [Clay]

    Howdy Folks, It is currently 9:26 pm on Sunday the 17th, and instead of doing any of the readings I promised myself I would finish this weekend or maybe starting the essay draft my tutor wanted to go over on Wednesday, I’m writing my silly little blog posts and ignoring all of my responsibilities. It’s […]

  2. Cole’s World

    Life Is Elsewhere Today marks March 16th. I casually glanced at my smartphone, only to find the countdown I had set prior to my departure now relegated to the annals of history, adorned with the inscription “25 days since.” Yes, it has been precisely 25 days since my arrival in Melbourne. Before embarking on this […]

  3. Get through this week challenge

    Is it just me or has this week been SO. LONG. I swear it’s been Thursday for three days already and I’m going insane. I’ve been working my butt off to try and balance having a social life and getting grades that won’t make my parents fly over here and drag my back to the […]

  4. Moving out of home! To a new country!

    Hey everyone, Amy here! Today’s topic will be moving out of home and adapting well to a new home and a new life! I am personally from New Zealand so that’s about three and a half hours to four hours plane ride away! At first it was incredibly daunting moving to a new country, but […]

  5. Kia ora/Xin chao, it’s Elizabeth!

    I still have much nostalgia for the places I’ve lived in before and I occasionally get melancholic in this new city. But sometimes, I could almost feel the nostalgia of the moment just before. That’s one of the many feelings that keep me rolling.

  6. Second coming (Luke)

    Okay, so after a rather long absence from this blog, I have returned! I’m in the middle of moving houses from what everyone would call the country (ELTHAM IS NOT THE COUNTRY!!!!) to Brunswick. And so I’ve had no internet, no TV and no computer for the past two weeks. So basically I was living […]