Posts tagged with animals

  1. “Something with a cow in it”: Dairying in Victoria’s Western District celebrated in a 1907 comic opera.

    In 1914, when playwright Louis Esson exhorted his fellow playwrights to write “authentic” Australian plays, he used the throwaway line “something with a cow in it” …

  2. Wyverns, gryphons and acorns amidst the foliage: two rare early 16th century bindings by Nicholas Spierinck uncovered in the Rare Books Collection

    What makes working with rare books so intriguing is the opportunity it delivers to follow a trail of clues – Sherlock Holmes-like – to trace an …

  3. Wombat, wombach, whom-batt wonder: early scientific ‘trafficking’ of marsupalia to Europe

    The unique fauna of Australia intrigued, bemused and excited the imagination of their European ‘discovers’ from the moment of the first animal sightings in the late …