Ubu Roi – 23/05/1963

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Title Ubu Roi
Start Date 23/05/1963
End Date 25/05/1963
Abstract ‘A modern translation of the revolutionary play, first presented in 1896.’ (from poster). Part of “Theatre of the Absurd” – a season of French Absurdist works presented by the Marlowe Society.
Director Bill Walker
Designer Su Dance (set design)
Author Alfred Jarry
Company Marlowe Society
Venue Union Theatre
Notes Part of 1963 ‘Theatre of the Absurd’ season (see festival entry)
References “Theatre” (1963) no.3.; Louise Thorne Collection, Rowden White Library
Reviews Beatrice Faust, “The Season of the Absurd in Review”, “Theatre” (1963), no.4: “the director completely upstaged the cast” which were “self-conscious” and suffered from “lack of confidence and sloppy timing” which “provked a feeling in the audience that they were watching a pantomime produced by enfants terribles instead of a mature jest”. Nevertheless, “Bill Walker’s inventive and imaginative concern for detail showed a lively feeling for the play and a highly developed sense of theatre”; “The production showed a nice balance of respect for original text and calculated innovation. Music, for instance, was impeccable”. Also review in Farrago 17/6/63 p.5.
Cast Harriet Polak (Mere Ubu), Rosalie Horner (Queen Rosamunde), Graham Blundell (Emperor Alexis), Graham Maskiell (Captain Bordure), Bruce Partridge (Bougrelas).