Left Handed Liberty

11/05/1967 – 18/05/1967

John Arden
‘If this play has any direct message … if we want liberty we have to make quite sure that: (a) We know what sort of liberty we are fighting for; (b) Our methods of fighting are not such as to render that liberty invalid before we even attain it; (c) We understand that we are in more danger of losing it once we have attained it than if we had never had it, which is an Irishism, but clear enough for all that.’ (Author’s Notes from 1967 MUST festival program)   Louise Thorne Collection, Rowden White Library, program
Bruce Knappett
Music director
Hartley Newman
Peter Corrigan
Les Rowe, Jan Hamilton, Bruce Knappett, Daryl Radcliffe, Sam Zuchowski, Jeff WIlletts, John Malloy, Peter Mullins, Ray Rich, John Matthews, Frank Van Der Sman, Michael Taafe, Suzanne Ingleton, Jenny Miers, Maureen Bell, Jenny Craig, Margaret Jacobs, Robert Dewar, Jane Arms, Karl Schiffmann, Barry Sloane, Bernice Murphy.