• Nathan Parry
  1. Twentieth Thing: Melbourne Figshare

    white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor

    In this Thing, Sally Tape takes us through how to use Melbourne Figshare to share and/or publish data, creative research outputs, and other supplementary research materials. …


  2. Nineteenth Thing: Digital Preservation

    MacBook Pro showing programming language.

    In today’s digital age, research data is increasingly born digital. As a researcher, you spend countless hours collecting, analysing, and interpreting data for your work. But …


  3. Eighteenth Thing: Engaging with Social Media

    Image of smartphone with social media icons on its screen.

    Thinking about using social media to share your research, but not sure where to start? This Thing written by Lucy Napthali and Andy Hurt outlines how …


  4. Seventeenth Thing: Human Research and Ethical Considerations

    Research with human participants can have huge benefits but also comes with risks. Reviews and approvals help to mitigate risks, although navigating these processes can feel …


  5. Seventh Thing: Supervisor Relationships

    Image of two people sitting next to each other at a table, conversing, one with a laptop and one with a notepad and pen.

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…  Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities  Charles Dickens may have been describing a …
