Posts tagged with Doing stuff with data

  1. Thing 23: Reference Management

    With most journal articles available in a digital format, using an online tool to manage referencing, and the sources you accumulate for your research interests and …

  2. Thing 22: File Management 101

    Managing your files effectively is important for lots of reasons. It can help you meet the expectations of journals and funders, enable reproducibility, defend against accusations …

  3. Thing 21: Data Management

    So you’ve found your next project and can’t wait to get started – but have you thought about how you’ll manage your research data? Good data …

  4. Thing 16: Data Visualisation

    Data visualisations can be a powerful way of synthesising your research and representing it in a way that’s understandable. Visualisations may take the form of charts …

  5. Thing 15: Text Mining

    Are you a researcher working on text-based projects? Ever tried to make sense of all those social media posts, or analyse a long and complex literary …

  6. Thing 14: APIs For Use In Research – The Nuts And Bolts

    Ever stop to think about how the apps on your mobile phone or tablet receive and exchange data over the Internet? The next time you check …