University of Melbourne Magazine

Instagram’s John Tass-Parker has worked for two Australian prime ministers, in the movie industry in Los Angeles and as a wedding photographer, and has recently been listed on the Forbes 30 Under 30.

Since 2017, Dr Ada Cheung has focused her physician expertise and research skills on improving medical services for transgender Australians.

The University has established a Fellowship to honour the legacy of Associate Professor Allison Milner, killed in a tragic accident at Princes Park in Carlton.

The University has recently launched two five-year international strategies to build closer relationships with India and Indonesia.

Hassan Esufally has completed marathons in seven locations.

3010 is now more than a magazine – it’s a podcast too. The 3010 podcast will take you into the lives of some of our amazing alumni, revealing the fantastic – and, occasionally, surprising – places their Melbourne degree has taken them.

A program pairing local alumni with international students is making for rewarding cultural exchanges.

“The opportunity to be Google’s managing director means I can actually make a bit of a difference when it comes to promoting digitisation.”

Each Christmas, a grandfather in Melbourne raises a glass to Lynn Burmeister, and thanks her for helping create his eight grandchildren.

For journalist and arts alumnus Matt Tinney, hopping into a plane with an 80-year-old aerobatics pilot in the cockpit is just another day at the office.
