ICBI 2023 concepts added to Biosecurity Vocabularies

The 4th International Congress on Biological invasions was held at Christchurch Town Hall, New Zealand from 1-4 May, 2023. Over 200 abstracts were accepted. The congress featured a wide range of topics through speakers and posters.

New concepts and labels

The ICBI program abstracts have been loaded into a linguistic corpus. Using corpus analysis techniques, concepts have been identified and integrated into the Biosecurity Thesaurus and Priority Pests vocabularies. All new labels are reported below. Preferred labels indicate a new concept; where only an alternative label is added, the concept was integrated prior to ICBI.

Biosecurity Thesaurus

The following changes are included in the May 2023 version of the Biosecurity Thesaurus, available at Research Vocabularies Australia.

ConceptNew Label(s)
Acoustic trapsAlternative Label “Ultrasonic tracking” added.
Alternative Label “Acoustic tracking” added.
Antimicrobial resistanceAlternative Label “Resistance alleles” added.
Alternative Label “Oxazolidinone resistance genes” added.
Alternative Label “Phosphine resistance” added.
Alternative Label “Resistance management” added.
Alternative Label “Resistance genes” added.
Basses richessesPreferred Label “Basses richesses” added.
Alternative Label “SBR” added.
Benthic barriers
Preferred Label “Benthic barriers” added.
Alternative Label “Hessian benthic barriers” added.
Bridgehead effectsPreferred Label “Bridgehead effects” added.
Biconical trapsPreferred Label “Biconical traps” added.
Classical biological controlPreferred Label “Classical biological control” added.
Comet assayPreferred Label “Comet assay” added.
Crop scoutingPreferred Label “Crop scouting” added.
CroplandPreferred Label “Cropland” added.
Cryptic invasionPreferred Label “Cryptic invasion” added.
Cryptogenic speciesPreferred Label “Cryptogenic species” added.
Cumulative coverPreferred Label “Cumulative cover” added.
Desiccation tolerancePreferred Label “Desiccation tolerance” added.
Dissolved oxygenPreferred Label “Dissolved oxygen” added.
dsRNAPreferred Label “dsRNA” added.
Alternative Label “Double-stranded RNA” added.
Egg loadPreferred Label “Egg load” added.
Electrocuting trapsPreferred Label “Electrocuting traps” added.
ExclosuresPreferred Label “Exclosures” added.
Exotic invasive speciesAlternative Label “Exotic organisms” added.
Alternative Label “Biosecurity threats” added.
Alternative Label “Invasive alien species” added.
Alternative Label “Non-indigenous species” added.
Alternative Label “Unwanted exotic organisms” added.
FisheriesAlternative Label “Marine farming” added.
Food baitsAlternative Label “Bait traps” added.
Funnel trapsPreferred Label “Funnel traps” added.
Gene drivePreferred Label “Gene drive” added.
Genome sequencingPreferred Label “Genome sequencing” added.
Alternative Label “WGS” added.
Host plantsPreferred Label “Host plants” added.
Illumina sequencingPreferred Label “Illumina sequencing” added.
Alternative Label “Sequencing by synthesis” added.
Alternative Label “Illumina dye sequencing” added.
Indigenous-led biosecurityPreferred Label “Indigenous-led biosecurity” added.
Indigenous rangersPreferred Label “Indigenous rangers” en added.
Invasive diseasesAlternative Label “Vector-borne diseases” added.
Intertidal areasPreferred Label “Intertidal areas” added.
Light trapsPreferred Label “Light traps” added.
Malaise trapsPreferred Label “Malaise traps” added.
Maximum entropyPreferred Label “Maximum entropy” added.
Alternative Label “Maxent” added.
Alternative Label “Maximum entropy model” added.
MetabolomicsAlternative Label “Rapid fingerprinting metabolomics” added.
Preferred Label “Metabolomics” added.
MycopesticidesPreferred Label “Mycopesticides” added.
Nazgul trapsPreferred Label “Nazgul traps” added.
Hidden Label “Nazgȗl traps” added.
Niche dynamicsPreferred Label “Niche dynamics” added.
OverwinteringPreferred Label “Overwintering” added.
OvitrapsPreferred Label “Ovitraps” added.
Alternative Label “Oviposition cup traps” added.
Alternative Label “Oviposition traps” added.
Alternative Label “Oviposition cup traps” added.
Phenotypic plasticityPreferred Label “Phenotypic plasticity” added.
Alternative Label “Polyphenism” added.
Polyphagous pestsPreferred Label “Polyphagous pests” added.
Predator-induced polyphenismsPreferred Label “Predator-induced polyphenisms” added.
Alternative Label “Competitor-induced plasticity” added.
Alternative Label “Predator-induced plasticity” added.
Protecting CountryPreferred Label “Protecting Country” added.
Pyramid trapsPreferred Label “Pyramid traps” added.
Rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometryPreferred Label “Rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry” added.
Alternative Label ” REIMS” added.
Raw water transferPreferred Label “Raw water transfer” added.
Remote sensingAlternative Label “Remote monitoring” added.
ROV cameraPreferred Label “ROV camera” added.
Alternative Label “Remotely operated vehicle camera” added.
Small extracellular vesiclePreferred Label “Small extracellular vesicle” added.
Alternative Label “sEVs” added.
Species distributionAlternative Label “Species distribution modelling” added.
Spore dispersalAlternative Label “Sporulation” added.
Stored product pestsPreferred Label “Stored product pests” added.
Alternative Label “Storage pests” added.
Alternative Label “Storage beetles” added.
Sticky panel trapsAlternative Label “Sticky panel traps” added.
Transcriptome analysisPreferred Label “Transcriptome analysis” added.
Tunnel trapsPreferred Label “Tunnel traps” added.
Alternative Label “Cylinder traps” added.
Unmanned aerial vehiclesAlternative Label “UAVs” added.
UV-light trapPreferred Label “UV-light trap” added.
Winter rangePreferred Label “Winter range” added.

Priority Pests

The following changes are included in the May 2023 version of the Priority Pests vocabulary, available at Research Vocabularies Australia.

ConceptNew label(s)
Ageratum conyzoidesPreferred Label “Ageratum conyzoides” added.
Alternative Label “Sparganophorus obtusifolius” added.
Alternative Label “Caelestina suffruticosa” added.
Alternative Label “Billy-goat weed” added.
Alternative Label “Tropical whiteweed” added.
Alternative Label “Goatweed” added.
Alternative Label “Flossflower” added.
Alternative Label “Blue-top chickweed” added.
Alternative Label “Bastard agrimony” added.
Annual ragweedPreferred Label “Annual ragweed” added.
Alternative Label “Stickweed” added.
Alternative Label “Stammerwort” added.
Alternative Label “Roman wormwood” added.
Alternative Label “Hogweed” added.
Alternative Label “Carrotweed” added.
Alternative Label “Bitterweed” added.
Alternative Label “Ambrosia elatior” added.
Alternative Label “Ambrosia artemisiifolia” added.
Australian droplet tunicatePreferred Label “Australian droplet tunicate” added.
Alternative Label “Eudistoma elongatum” added.
Alternative Label “Eudistoma sea squirt” added.
Banana frecklePreferred Label “Banana freckle” added.
Alternative Label “Phyllosticta cavendishii” added.
Caulerpa brachypusPreferred Label “Caulerpa brachypus” added.
Caulerpa parvifoliaPreferred Label “Caulerpa parvifolia” added.
Ceratocystis fimbriataAlternative Label “Black rot of kumara” added.
Hidden Label “Black rot of kūmara” added.
Cinara pilicornisPreferred Label “Cinara pilicornis” added.
Alternative Label “Lachnus piceicola” added.
Alternative Label “Aphis pilicornis” added.
Alternative Label “Spruce shoot aphid” added.
Coconut rhinoceros beetlePreferred Label “Coconut rhinoceros beetle” added.
Alternative Label “Coconut black beetle” added.
Alternative Label “Date palm beetle” added.
Alternative Label “Oryctes monoceros” added.
Alternative Label “CRB” added.
Drosophila melanogasterPreferred Label “Drosophila melanogaster” added.
Alternative Label “Vinegar fly” added.
Alternative Label “Common fruit fly” added.
Elatobium abietinumPreferred Label “Elatobium abietinum” added.
Alternative Label “Neomyzaphis abietina” added.
Alternative Label “Green spruce aphid” added.
Emerald ash borerAlternative Label “Agrilus marcopoli” added.
Alternative Label “Agrilus planipennis” added.
Preferred Label “Emerald ash borer” added.
Essigella californicaPreferred Label “Essigella californica” added.
Alternative Label “Essigella pineti” added.
Alternative Label “Monterey pine aphid” added.
Eulachnus brevipilosusPreferred Label “Eulachnus brevipilosus” added.
Alternative Label “Protolachnus brevipilosus” added.
European waspPreferred Label “European wasp” added.
Alternative Label “Dolichovespula germanica” added.
Alternative Label “Vespula germanica” added.
Exotic invasive aphidsPreferred Label “Exotic invasive aphids” added.
False codling mothPreferred Label “False codling moth” added.
Alternative Label “Citrus codling moth” added.
Alternative Label “Argyroploce leucotreta” added.
Alternative Label “Thaumatotibia leucotreta” added.
Alternative Label “Orange moth” added.
Flaveria bidentisPreferred Label “Flaveria bidentis” added.
Alternative Label “Ethulia bidentis” added.
Alternative Label “Smelter’s-bush” added.
Alternative Label “Coastal plain yellowtops” added.
Monochamus alternatusPreferred Label “Monochamus alternatus” added.
Alternative Label “Japanese pine sawyer” added.
Alternative Label “Monochamus tesserula” added.
Mycoplasma bovisPreferred Label “Mycoplasma bovis” added.
Para grassPreferred Label “Para grass” added.
Alternative Label “Buffalo grass” added.
Alternative Label “Scotch grass” added.
Alternative Label “Mauritius signalgrass” added.
Alternative Label “Brachiaria mutica” added.
Perkinsus olseniPreferred Label “Perkinsus olseni” added.
Alternative Label “Dermocystidium marinum” added.
Philaenus spumariusPreferred Label “Philaenus spumarius” added.
Alternative Label “Philaenus leucophthalmus” added.
Alternative Label “Common froghopper” added.
Alternative Label “Cuckoo-spit” added.
Alternative Label “Meadow spittlebug” added.
Phytophthora agathidicidaPreferred Label “Phytophthora agathidicida” added.
Alternative Label “Kauri dieback” added.
Phytophthora cinnamomiPreferred Label “Phytophthora cinnamomi” added.
Alternative Label “Cinnamon fungas” added.
Alternative Label “Stripe canker of cinnamon” added.
Alternative Label “Root rot of blueberry” added.
Alternative Label “Jarrah dieback” added.
Alternative Label “Ink disease of chestnut” added.
Alternative Label “Heart rot of pineapple” added.
Alternative Label “Fruit rot of avocado” added.
Spodoptera littoralisPreferred Label “Spodoptera littoralis” added.
Alternative Label “Noctua gossypii” added.
Alternative Label “Mediterranean brocade moth” added.
Alternative Label “Cotton leafworm” added.
Sporothrix spPreferred Label “Sporothrix sp” added.
Tomato spotted wilt virusPreferred Label “Tomato spotted wilt virus” added.
Alternative Label “Yellow spot of pineapple” added.
Alternative Label “Kromnek virus” added.
Alternative Label “TSWV” added.
Alternative Label “Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus” added.
Tomato yellow leaf curl virusPreferred Label “Tomato yellow leaf curl virus” added.
Alternative Label “TYLCV” added.
Alternative Label “Tomato leaf curl Oman virus” added.
Alternative Label “Tomato leaf curl geminivirus” added.
Alternative Label “Tomato leaf curl bigeminivirus” added.
Tuta absolutaAlternative Label “South American tomato pinworm” added.
Alternative Label “Tomato leaf miner” added.
Preferred Label “Tuta absoluta” added.
Hidden Label “Tomato leafminer” added.
Vase tunicatePreferred Label “Ciona intestinalis” added.
Alternative Label “Ciona intestinalis” added.
Alternative Label “Yellow sea squirt” added.
Alternative Label “Vase tunicate” added.
Wolbachia pipientisPreferred Label “Wolbachia pipientis” added.
Xylella fastidiosaAlternative Label “Philaenus spumarius” added.