
Dr Rebecca Morris (Lead)

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I am a marine scientist and lecturer in the School of BioSciences in the University of Melbourne. I lead the Coastal and Estuarine Adaptation Lab, and I am also the Theme Leader of Eco-engineering at the National Centre for Coasts and Climate. My research focuses on nature-based solutions for the management of erosion and flooding along the coast.

Dr Brendan Lanham

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I am a Research Fellow in marine ecology and joined the lab from Sydney in April 2022. My research background is in community ecology in a habitat spatial context. My PhD used applied and theoretical approached to understand predator-prey interactions in different habitat configurations. Since completing my PhD, I dabbled in microplastics before moving to Macquarie University and the Sydney Institute of Marine Science to work in oyster reef restoration of the Sydney Rock Oyster and ecological engineering. My current research area remains in shellfish restoration with a focus incorporating shellfish restoration into nature-based solutions for coastal protection.

Dr Andrew Pomeroy

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I am a dynamic professional and research engineer with more than 15 years of coastal oceanographic, physical process and engineering experience. I have worked across sectors as well as led projects in construction, consulting and research organisations. I am focused on improving the integration between research, industry and government to better understand our coastal waters, develop evidence-based policy and strategies as well as innovative solutions to complex problems that affect our coasts and communities now and in the future.