Middle Eastern Manuscript research video
Our Middle Eastern Manuscript research team met with Anna Bowman, the daughter of Professor John Bowman in January.
This video is the result of that collaboration https://vimeo.com/210484593
A big thank you to Anna Bowman for her knowledge and film-making expertise, members of the MEM research team Professor Robyn Sloggett, Sophie Lewincamp, Sadra Zekrgoo, Leila Alhagh, Nur Shkembi, Sally Kilby and Dr Petronella Nel; our colleagues at the Islamic Museum of Australia https://islamicmuseum.org.au Sherene Hassan and Jake Carter; and Susan Thomas, Rare Books Curator, Bailieu Library http://library.unimelb.edu.au/collections/special-collections/rare-books/internatonal-rare-books/memss.
For more information see https://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/cultcons/grimwade-centre-arts-west/middle-eastern-manuscripts/