2017-2019 Duffy, M.F. (CIA), deKoning-Ward, T and Knapp, S. The role of novel and essential bromodomain proteins in coordinating malaria parasite gene regulation and their potential as anti-malarial targets. National Health Medical Research Council Project Grant – GNT 1128975.
2017-2019 Osada, H. Hui, R. Jadim, A. and Duffy, M. F. (2017), Targeting bromodomains for novel anti-parasitic mechanisms of action for malaria, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and cryptosporidiosis. Global Health Innovative Technology Fund.
2014 Michael F Duffy (Chief Investigator), Are novel bromodomain proteins required for malaria parasite growth and gene regulation? Melbourne Researcher Grant Support Scheme, University of Melbourne.
2011-2013 Duffy, M. F. (CIA), Papenfuss, A., Brown, G. V., Bozdech, Z., and Kobor, M., Are alternative histones important regulators of transcription in Plasmodium falciparum? Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP110100483.
2011-2013 Duffy, M. F. (CIA), Pappenfuss, A., Theander, T. G., Rogerson, S. J., and Brown, G. V., Identifying malaria PfEMP1 proteins that elicit antibodies associated with protection from cerebral malaria. National Health Medical Research Council APP1007954.
2011 O’Brien, T., Anderson, G. P., Kaye, A. and M. F. Duffy (CID) Integrated complex disease phenotyping platforms: sonicator for chromatin analysis and CT scanner for in-vivo 3D fine anatomical structure reconstruction. University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences’ NHMRC Major Equipment Grant scheme.
2008-2010 Duffy, M. F. (CIA), Graham V Brown, Transcriptional control of antigenic variation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP0879293.