Uh Oh…Last but (hopefully) not least :) (Viv)

Warning: this blog is riddled with grammatical errors, long-winded rants and, worst of all, my own personal thoughts and experiences. In no way does it aim to be witty or entertaining. Any hint at being so is, rest assured, purely coincidental.


Okay, okay. 7/8 weeks into uni and everybody’s already moved past the introductions and the ‘hello, nice to meet you’ and here I am, starting my blog and making my first introductory post. First of all, I think it’s only appropriate that I apologise for being such a lazy ass. And second of all, there is no second of all. I’m just a lazy ass. 🙂

Although, I swear, I was really looking forward to writing this blog. I love blogging, you see. The minute details of my life are lingering on the web in countless online journals (yes, even deadjournal, from when I thought being somewhat ‘dead’ was somewhat ‘cool.) But anyyyfish, then my account only just got approved a couple of days before the Easter holidays, and then I felt that it wouldn’t be appropriate to blog about my university experience during a week of holidays, and then I read through other people’s introductory posts and felt an absurd kind of pressure to be as witty as everybody else, and then I thought to myself ‘hey, Viv, here’s an idea! Why don’t you sleep on it and maybe a completely witty introductory post will come to you in your dream!’ (I swear, this actually works. I dreamt the contents of last year’s English oral – although, that isn’t to say that the presentation was all too crash hot.) But, as you can see, I ‘slept on it’ for another 4 or 5 weeks and nothing witty came to me and now I’m making a horrible impression and my sentence structure and grammar is probably horribly off and I think I’m overusing the word ‘and’, and oh, heck, this will have to do. 🙂

 Anyway, all that aside, I’m Viv. Eighteen. I’ve lived in Australia since I was two, but I hail from the good ol’ Philippines because all the cool people come from there. Haha, no, not really. I’m an Arts student, studying Psychology, History (although I’ve been informed that I’m actually doing an Archaeology subject and not a History subject but, heck, it was under ‘History’ in the handbook and so blegh. Blegh, I say!), and Anthropology, and I’m hoping to do postgrad. Psych. I’m hoping to get a doctorate, but I reckon it would be even cooler to get a Masters degree because then I can make people call me ‘Master Viv.’ Nobody would though. They’d just say ‘shut up, Viv, you loser.’ 🙂  Here’s a tidbit for you: I wanted to be a La Trobe kid, but I hear the psych. courses are better known here at the good ol’ U to the o to the M (haha that’s me trying to be ‘down’ with the lingo). Also, my dad told me that if I went to La Trobe, I’d have to learn how to drive. And I’m hopeless at driving, mostly because I still have a terribly hard time telling my left from my right and I have to do that ‘L’ thing with my fingers. They have ducks over there, you see, and I love ducks. I collect rubberducks because they’re cute. And I swear, they have attitude. I enjoy alphabetising my books, reading, writing, painting, drawing, being incredibly crap at Photoshop, playing (and sucking at) computer games (World of Warcraft, baby! Haha, yeah, dork much?), walking aimlessly around the Melbourne CBD, watching movies…pretty much mostly things that require me to sit on my ass. There’s not much that will get me mad but a few things that I abhor are exclusiveness, computer viruses, people rubbing my back, and sultanas. Other than that, it’s all good. As long as you don’t intentionally exclude people, infect my computer with viruses, rub my back, and as long as you’re not a walking, talking sultana, I’m sure you and I will get along just nicely. 🙂

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