Day 1, 3 lectures :p (Daniel)

So here I am again, updating faithfully to the 1st year blog.

Hoo-rah, Hoo-rah. <- Indication of sleepyness and not sarcasm. If it was sarcasm it’d be a pretty bleak thing to uphold, this is more along the lines if the British had all snuggled up with a hot chocolate and blanket at the Battle of Waterloo to simply find out that they’d won. Why would they celebrate with enthusiasm they’re comfortable with their blankets. Let them sleep.

Ahem…. moving on from being critical of writing. The reason I am sleepy is because of my method (and perhaps *Snigger* MADNESS) of the day.

First of all my sister (older) decided she would ride with me this morning. I had no idea, and was frankly not keen (preparations were not undertaken on my sisters bike) and so 30 minutes into the ride my sister (behind me) finds out that her brakes are not connected…..Great. But who’s fault is it? Mine, I should of known (as I’ve been riding for soooo much longer than her) that they were broken, and to tell her to use the 1st gear when going up steep hills and etc.
Lovely morning I had, especially with a lecture pressing. So being the young brother that I am, I said “Take a train, I need to make it to Uni on time,” and rode off. Not sure if that was the right choice…….. suggestions anyone?

So the moral of this story, well the reason I wrote it up is to explain that Bike riding is cheaper than Public transport (And much quicker as evidenced by me getting to University with only a 5 mins to walk into the lecture theatre). So if you can do it, go for it! It’s exercise and it promotes good problem solving skills.

Such as:

Car 1 is heading towards the intersection at 40 km/h I can cross the intersection at 5km/h from a standstill but if going at 7 or 8 I can miss car 347 that is heading towards the intersection at 50 km/h. There is a stop sign. What do you do….

Ok probably not the funniest thing in the world but it more or less makes you a bit more responsible and aware of conditions on the road and your own limitations. That being said public transport is also awesome, if a little slower and more expensive.

Ok so that’s why I’m sleepy and that’s one of the ceremonies I’ll preach to you today, besides bike riding O week-esque introductions are not over yet!

In lectures you will most likely be having to sit next to someone you don’t know. Jeeze, what a social dilemma, what to do? Introduce yourself like the gentleman or Dame/Lady (whatever you prefer really) that you are, of course! Then things will go down smoothly and you’ll at least keep meeting new faces (or in my unlikely case someone you haven’t seen for 9 years). In any case everybody should have the moral imperative if not the will to be friendly and not gossip mongre around you. <Still going on make new friends jihad.

Huff puff, heef, (insert some other onomatopoeia expressing exertion). What else? Oh feelings. My feelings for university have been up and down based on either enthusiasm or the expiration of said feeling and concurrent adrenaline. Today was something of a nervous anticipation (of the oh no university I hope everything will be ok and the lecturer will like my choice of clothing and haircut) to the ego soothing (based purely on the niceness of the lecturers, the ability to ask questions and also meeting with peers).

Following on with the word peers, I have to say everyone I’ve talked to 1st year wise are awesome and that’s not a lame attempt at flattery. People at university will not (often) rip your head off for presumptions or being friendly but like you (hopefully) try to reach a constructive understanding/goal through general communication. Don’t be scared of them, they’re your awesome uni buddies, they’ll help you out. I hope, my optimism might run low come next week and/or tutorial doing.

My thought for this week:

Week 1 is more of a O week epilogue heading into the sequel of 1st Semester, there is really no need for nervousness because like Bantha herders (yes a Star Wars reference) the university will give you a lead into what you want.

This seems like enough words for my second post and I for the life of me can’t think of anything to say. I hope everyone is enjoying uni still and that it’s not too taxing for anyone.

Tell me if I’m wrong about peers!



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