Soporific. [ASH]

I thought I’d do a quickie (heh.) coz’ the average attention span of people are something like 7 minutes. [quick fact. ding]

  • Also decided to do dot points. That might make this easier for you.

So readers, and fellow bloggers here it goes:

  • When I meet people, they tend to call me Ash Catchum, the Pokemon Master 12-year old. Probably because I’m of oriental descent.
  • And actually, my initials are the same as his. Hey cool! (not really) .
  • People also usually mention my obscenely small eyes. Its like a reflex, “Oh WOW, your eyes are really small!”

Actually, on second thought, I don’t like this dot point thing, it seems really disjointed. I’ll go with the trend of long speels and paragraphs and that.

So, like you, I experienced the first day of university life today. Although, I had no classes/lectures/workshops/seminars/tutorials – what a way to start, eh? 

I took the (one and a half hour) trip down to uni anyway, to get some second hand books. 

The meeting point was at the campus bookstore yeah, so I decided to take a venture in to the store to see what the commotion was about.

The image within that store was reminiscent of the Australian Open, after a mid game break, where there are huge lines all around slowly edging back into Rod Laver Arena. Also a little bit like Boxing Day sales at Chadstone.

Ah, and books are ridiculously expensive as well! Oh my. I’d expect gold lettering at those prices.

Unfortunately, the Accounting book was only in multicolour – and that was only the front page. 

Didn’t have the cash, so didn’t buy anything. 

I’m sure you’ve felt the pain of those textbook prices in the triple digits and thought to yourself (well, who else would you think to),

“Hey, I could buy a decent uni bag with the cash I’m spending.
.. and lunch for the next 5 weeks.”

Sporadically moving, uh .. nowhere, I would like to mention I am 100% full grown Aussie, just brought up in the confinements of an asian household. Whipped by a cane when I was young, forced to play piano and get tutored .. yeah. No worries! I hold no regrets.

Photography and drums/singing/piano/guitar, are my er.. channels .. of .. expression? 

And my favourite colour is green, but it used to be blue because everyone liked blue, and I felt really peer pressured and jumped on the blue bandwagon. 

Oh, I also joined that Fotoholics club thing, and AA, and was very tempted to join that Magicians Club because the guy who was doing the tricks was sooooooo good. But someone mentioned something about demons and magic and I kinda decided not to.

I dread spiders. No matter what size and no matter how many times dad tells me that they’re more scared of me. 
I have half nightmares of spiders that make hissing noises at me. 

I’m hoping any of these random splatters will actually be relate-able to you =P

Oweek was good, met a lot of friends of friends, and I can see the beginnings of potentially long lasting friendships. How lovely. Ha.

Missed out on the faculty camps though. Looks like all of us that missed out on them need another excuse to get drunk. Maybe an on-campus party for people who missed out would be good. Then all those at the camp, would miss out on the big party and.. yeah!

Shotgun not organising it though.

Anyhow, look, I’m running out of things to say for now. But hey, if you want to know anything drop a comment yeah? The whole point of this entire blog, is you to realise how whatever you’re going through, there are more of us first-year-ers going through the same dilemmas, mistakes (drunk or sober ones), stresses, celebrations, highs and lows .. I’m sure you get the gist.

Hope this first week is radical – jump out there and make some new friends, don’t be intimidated! 

People are thinking the exact same thing as you:

“<insert swear word>, I’ll look like a <insert degrading name> if I talk to them/him/her”

So just stuff it, don’t think, just do.

I’ll now return to being just one of the 1500+ commerce students.

So.. HI! 🙂

This so wasn’t a quickie.

yours randomly,

I was going to post up a photo of a pyramid of chicken rice but this uploading thing seems not to be working. No matter.

3 thoughts on “Soporific. [ASH]

  1. you know what suzi, you’re right.

    I wiki-ed it and realised that. But I was hoping no one would ACTUALLY comment on that. fingers crossed.

    I just wanted to feel like I had something in common with him, like my initials.

  2. *holds you* There there. I’m sure I have a spare Pikachu figurine somewhere in my basement you could borrow. And maybe the Pokemon game. And the Handbook. And Silver + Gold on Game Boy Colour. And – we stop there 😀

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