What does and does not constitute work? {Tom}

Again, note the squiggly brackets. They’re going to be quite a theme this year, so get used to them.

Well, I just completed a weekend that I’d initially planned to dedicate to completing a week’s worth of “uni work”. I think the entire weekend can be summed up by the fact that I’m writing this while the computer is sitting on top of a notebook full of Biology that probably needs to be finished for my tutorial tomorrow. That led me to think about something that will probably be very important over my time at uni; what is work that needs to be done?

Sure, I turned up at lectures and took notes and crossed out things that had been changed and met a bloke from South Korea and at least semi-understood all the material that was covered. So, what comes next? I have a list of theoreticals (which is good, because I can use fancy WordPress formatting)

  • Read over notes diligently every evening after lectures
  • Summarize notes at end of every week into actually useful notes
  • Do required reading and look up glossary words before lectures start
  • Finish work set in tutorials (and don’t use it as a computer-rest)
  • Complete the “optional” pieces of assessment which are on the LMS
  • Do all prelabs/ILTs/preliminary reading etc. before classes that require such work (actually this is kinda important, because they’re generally hurdle requirements)

Well, that’s what I decided I was meant to do. I tried to do it all. Honest. So, I suppose the moral of this little story is that you need to just set aside some time to do the basics. Rewrite your notes. Go through the textbook and master concepts. I’m about to do that and I’m hoping to; understand my Biol. lecturer and the terminology he uses, finish assignment 1 for Calculus and answer the question posed in the Creative Writing lecture.

Hmm. Maybe I was too amibitious there. Ah well, I’ll update you all next time I post here.

One thought on “What does and does not constitute work? {Tom}

  1. I think these weekends are becoming extremely important (if not endearing) to me. Part of that has to do with the fact that I’m getting home quite late throughout the week because of various things. Sooo, what I can’t get done between lectures or during the scarce time I have before bed every night, would have to be allocated to weekends. Ahhh I see ‘time management’ written on my forehead. (I think I’m in front of a mirror…)

    Aaand, sorry about last night. We’ll have to make up for it by organising another outing some time =]

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