Wow Holidays! [Daniel]
Well its the mid-semester holidays (break) yet again! THIS TIME WITH TWO WEEKS! Which is incredibly useful especially since one of those weeks have already passed and I still haven’t done all the catching up (with work) that I’ve wanted to do! Such as this blog, cleaning/painting the house, getting a job, deal with assignments, etc.
I’ve started a lot of them! Yet I haven’t finished one of them, ironically much like this post. I just spent the last 30 minutes wandering around the internet and remembering the Grand Final. Yes I’m that* dedicated.
Anyway! University life is good. I’ve just realiz(s)ed (I HATE YOU AMERICAN SPELLCHECK) how much easier? relaxing it can become after a semester or two. Well for me at least, for the first semester I was a little high strung with university. Now its all really relaxed, well not so BIG A DEAL as it was in my head. Maybe that happens to all 1st year students or just me, but its definitely a good feeling of eager contentedness I feel. That or these holidays are really really really refreshing for me.
Anyway I leave (while the Saints are leading by 2 in the 4th quarter) with a question….
How are your holidays?
Are you a Saints supporter? if so, my condolences…. not really i wanted Geelong to win :). I completely agree with you in that this semester i feel so relaxed and at ease with everything (however having two and a half days off each week might have something to do with it!). What classes are you taking this semester?
Anyway, hoping that your holidays have been as good as mine! Take care