The End (Simone)

Nearly a year has flown by since I began writing on here – freaky stuff. I haven’t really come to terms with being a ‘second year’ uni student yet! I think 2013 was the fastest year of my life! But, yet, a really good one.

Life just keeps moving, doesn’t? I feel like we’re always waiting for something MAJOR to happen, to start living when it does. But more than ever I think we don’t ever have anything major occur. We might get married one day, have kids, we start university… but ultimately? We just have days, and hours and minutes, all made up of these little moments, most of them seemingly insignificant. Listening to your favourite song on the tram through the city. Drinking a glass of cool water in summer’s unforgiving heat. Feeling the rain drops on the back of your neck. Talking to your sister about your plans for tomorrow. The majority of life is just all of that. Nothing exceptional. But I suppose that if we enjoy all of these tiny moments, if we try to enjoy every mundane and ‘normal’ hour of everyday, for all of our lives, than we’ve had it pretty good. I think that’s all we can really ask for.

So where am I going with this? For me in 2013, blogging here has been really fantastic. Even when I was feeling stressed about uni, or anxious about something I was writing on here (“is it good enough?!? No one will read it!!”), writing here was a relief and a kind of blessing. Reading my blogs back today makes me feel nostalgic for the year gone past, and I don’t think I would have had that without writing about it all. The embarrassing moments, the study freak outs, the making friends. It’s been a brilliant ride.

Thank you, lovely readers, so much for joining me on it. Best of luck to all in 2014 and way beyond. Enjoy those little moments in life.

Like Victoria, I’m going to keep blogging here –Fly, floret – ( check it out! I  plan to write about everything in 2014… little musings and stories and then opinionated pieces and poems (if I have the guts!)… (and anything else you would like to see, hint hint for comments and ideas! 😉 ). We’ll see, I guess! 🙂 Life has a way of flowing in whichever way it wants, I think, like some kind of river. The river of life! And I’m ready to sit back and let the current pull me along.

Well, for the last time –

Much love, your blogger,



PS. Victoria and Kiryll; it has been so wonderful to meet you guys through these blogs and to read about your first year adventures, too. Must make sure we keep in touch!

2 thoughts on “The End (Simone)

  1. Hehe ‘m glad this blog exists, especially for wide-eyed school leavers like myself 😀 Simone, I really liked what you said about the little things being significant, because I’m totally that person who waits for something ‘major’ to happen, fruitless I know 😛 I hope you have a fantastic second year at Uni and along the river of life. Now I’ll go take a peek of your new blog and Victoria’s too 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for the comment, Juliet! 🙂 It’s so easy to be waiting for the big things to happen, I’ve definitely caught myself doing that, too! 🙂
    Aww, definitely check the new blogs out, we’d love that! Maybe we’ll be reading yours one day, too.

    Best of luck with 2013 and your own uni adventures, Juliet, I hope they’re everything you want them to be 😀

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