Campus activities & Me

Hi all!

It might seem strange to be reflecting on uni life at this point of the semester, but I can’t deny, that’s what I’ve been doing. In the thick of semester two, I’ve come to realise what sorts of things have made an impact on the kind of uni student I am becoming. In particular, joining UMSU collectives and submitting creative pieces to various Melbourne Uni student publications have been central to my uni experience and adjustment.

Being an active participant in events run by UMSU departments has boosted my confidence in communicating with new people and has allowed me to make friends with students of all ages and disciplines! Lunches, trivia nights and film screenings, amongst other types of activities, have all contributed to showing me that university is more than just another stage of education. Although lectures and tutorials do take up a large amount of my time on campus, I guess until now I haven’t realised that I’ve also spent so much time outside the classroom socialising and having fun UMSU collectives have also provided me with safe spaces to meet and interact with students life myself, and have given me the opportunity to learn about the experiences of others and even learn more about myself in turn!

As for getting involved with uni publications, I’ve been able to foster my love of writing through these student-run magazines. From reviewing films to creating quirky flash fiction pieces, each of my submissions has contributed to me honing my skills, finding my writing style, and trying new genres and topics. Participating in these publications has also allowed me to gain insight into the editing and publishing processes, and has led to me becoming a more active contributor to uni life.

So that’s my weirdly-timed reflection on my experiences with campus activities! I guess the point is, make the most of extra-curricular activities!

– Tharidi 🙂

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