Endless ‘Zoom University’

This year is definitely a tough year. Coronavirus changed everything.

Many students like me, are looking forward to once again spending time on our campuses.

But according to the recent letter written by the provost, everything is still uncertain.

A vaccine is on its way, but a return to normal may be far off.

Interestingly, in the foreseen future, endless ‘zoom university’ exists not only in Australia, but also all over the world, including those prestigious universities in both US and England.

I did a detailed Google search on the methods of course delivery over many universities and in this article,I am going to show you my collection.

1.UCL( university college London)


2.UC Berkeley


3.Yale university

4.California Institute of Technology
5.Boston university
6.Duke University
Anyway, although it is still tough,we can manage to make some positive changes by ourselves.
Be positive and be healthy.
Victory is at hand. Finally,we can defeat the virus.
Wait and we will win !!!


4 thoughts on “Endless ‘Zoom University’

  1. Hey Yuxuan, nice work! I totally agree with you on getting back to campus. I haven’t got any dual-mode subjects, so it’s all just online. WHY ?!!! 🤯

    1. Hello, thanks a lot for your comment. The method of delivery depends on the major. You can check the 2021 handbook for more detail.Anyway,I suppose online courses will dominate even if it is dual.

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