5/6 Weeks for…. [Daniel]

Everything at university semester 2 to finally click.

The Tutorials, fun!

The Lectures leading!

People talkative!

All within the magical 5 week period… I say six because, well,  it was only today that everything seemed to work. It must be something to do with the stars aligning and the magical splendor of Prosh week. Well I say magical because I’m pushing for the success of the Art’s students who are fairies for this weeks festivities. Also the fact that I haven’t been disillusioned by any nude runs swings the whole event as a positive for me.

Well that and the Tuesday dance off. Where people were taught the Hustle, the Twist and of course Shake your Tail-feathers, all with exuberance and joy as a bunch of kinderkids. It was pretty fun.

Aside from that no words are zapping into my brain for your earnest attention. Just some tidbits of headlines, which for now I will leave with you to ponder about.

There was a fiasco (resolved) at the Annual General Meeting for the Uni student Union. 400 student members were needed to represent the union. 25? 30 ? came and so the event was moved back to a later date. WE NEED BETTER ORGANIZATION.

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade, are still good films.

The Rowden Library is a place for hiding from the rain, comfortably.

Redmond Barry Building has an excellent view from the 10th floor up.

I apologize for my negativity towards Understanding Asia, the tute is really going along well and my tutor is pretty awesome.

Time tells all at uni.

Enjoy the rest of August and the beginning of Spring.

2 thoughts on “5/6 Weeks for…. [Daniel]

  1. yea? hw ws prosh?
    listen, i wnt to get involved in uni bt im not sure whic org,club is the popular ones.any ideas?

  2. Ahhh sorry bout the late reply….

    The trick is if you really don’t know which club to join, you can just join all of them (either a dollar, two or free per club) and then see what happens. Really you won’t know which club is for you unless you go out to see them.

    Although saying that I’m really only a tiny bit involved with the clubs, which is a real shame. They won’t hassle you for not showing up, so you can pretty much get to know the clubs without a huge commitment.

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