Arisen from the ashes…

I don’t know if my posting is really relevant at all, seeing as I won’t be returning to Melbourne Uni this semester, but it’s ten in the morning, I haven’t slept yet, and I feel a strange, compelling urge to update.

I need to defer, actually. I think I have to go in person to do so, as failing every single unit meant that I received some ‘sanctions’, or something like that. I guess I really should go and rectify that. Soon. I guess.

Life in Melbourne is very hectic. I’m now working two jobs, one as an exotic dancer- (dropping out of university and becoming a stripper? Check. My mother is so proud.) and also as a seduction coach, for a company called The Natural Lifestyles. Basically, I teach men how to pick up women. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

It’s really bizarre going on Facebook and seeing people’s statuses popping up with things relating to uni; buying textbooks, skipping lectures, etcetera. It feels like this strange, distant world which I barely can recall being a part of. I kinda miss spending afternoons wasting time at the Alice Hoy, using the free internet. I’m not sure if I’ll go back for a few years, now. It seems like something which you really have to put the majority of your time and mental energy into, and I’ve got far too much wine drinking to do and trouble to cause before it comes to that.

I guess this is a farewell post. Maybe i’ll check in some time later on in the year. I feel like I’m being particularly frank in this post. Perhaps it has something to do with the lack of sleep. I’m not sure. Best luck to all of you with this semester.

-Katie out.

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