
  1. I Got Shoved…? + Exams Are Underrated!

    So, I’ve just realised that I’ve missed more than one or two blog posts. Whoops! Time really does fly in 1st year. Speaking of flying, I flew onto my back after getting shoved in Brunswick (about 3km north of campus). Yeah, I won’t be the first or last person to tell you that 1st year […]


  2. Sup! I’m David.

    FYI, I just said sup to be different from the other bloggers who said a boring ‘hi’ or ‘hey.’ I reckoned that the trade-off between uniqueness and cringe was worth it. So sup! I’m David. I’ll be honest with you straight off the bat…I’m definitely not the most extroverted, outgoing person out there. I guess […]
