
  1. Arisen from the ashes…

    I don’t know if my posting is really relevant at all, seeing as I won’t be returning to Melbourne Uni this semester, but it’s ten in the morning, I haven’t slept yet, and I feel a strange, compelling urge to update. I need to defer, actually. I think I have to go in person to […]


  2. update in dot points

    because i haven’t slept in like 52 hours or something similarly ridiculous, and i’m feeling way too tired/incoherent to form paragraphs right now. -i got an apartment! no more couchsurfing as of the 15th! it’s tiny but i’m looking forward to decoratin’. maybe i should cover the entire apartment in aluminium foil. that’d be hilarious. […]


  3. turning on, tuning in and dropping out.

    I’m really, honestly considering it. I am 18 now, and now have a job, which is nice. I’m currently however, homeless and couch-surfing at friend’s houses. I should hopefully be finding out whether I got a little studio apartment in Brunswick soon, but the estate agent seemed a little iffy about it. I haven’t been […]


  4. On poverty, share housing, etc.

    I handed in my assignments. Three days late, but what can you do. I have another due tomorrow and an essay due on the 6th, neither of which I have started. Oops. University is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane at the moment- routine is a good thing. Even if i’m really lazy […]


  5. Estoy estresado!

    I feel like i’m finally getting into the swing of things. This claim will of course be tested when I actually start working on one of the three assignments I have due, but hey! At least it feels good. The last two weeks have been pretty insane. My best friend has been visiting from Perth […]


  6. Hmm.

    Haven’t really made any friends at uni yet, however I keep discovering that friends I have already, go here. Which is good. Classes are pretty fun so far, but I’m kinda distracted (my best-friend is visiting from Perth) and, I guess, feeling pretty disassociated from the whole uni experience. Maybe I should buy a jumper. […]


  7. gigantor the terrible

    Well hi. I’m another one of the many arts students who are contributing to this blog this year. I wrote out a post at home, but alas, forgot my hard-drive. So you get an introduction full of unadulterated rambling, typed in the 34 minutes I have left remaining on the (incredibly slow) internet here at the […]
