
  1. This is probably a bad thing. (Suzanne)

    Still one week to go before exams start and finish, and I’ve stopped studying already; stopped being a somewhat inappropriate verb due to the fact that it implies that there was a start somewhere, a fact which at this stage is still disputed. Practical exam tomorrow, which should hopefully go decently, and then I will […]

  2. Yay! (Suzanne)

    My gums are better and not swollen now. Had a celebratory 4 hour practice session to commemorate. Other than that, I have been bored. I know I have exams soon, but I really cannot get into the mood to study.

  3. Exams, homesickness, and toothache (Suzanne)

    This morning I woke up, and not only had I woken up too late to get breakfast from the dining hall, but the whole of my gums underneath my lower left set of molars was swollen and painful. This happens because my wisdom teeth are growing in but don’t have the space to do it, […]

  4. Download limits, and why they suck. (Suzanne)

    My college gives us 1GB of downloads per semester for our internet connection. If we use more than our download limit, we pay 5c per MB for the excess. I spend far more time than is healthy reading random articles on Wikipedia and compulsively checking my email. Long story short, I am going to be […]

  5. I want to drop law (Suzanne)

    Not because I hate it or anything. It just feels like a freaking huge waste of time because I can think of at least a dozen things off the top of my head that I’d rather be doing with that time and at least three of them involve switching to another degree. Thoughts?

  6. A few Facebook groups… (Suzanne)

    …that I’ve joined lately include ‘My education is getting in the way of my learning’, ‘I’ve thought about dropping out of law school at least ten times today’ and ‘Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten’. Now, that last group has absolutely no relevance to what I’m going to talk about in […]

  7. Another to-do list (Suzanne)

    1. Start practising again. Gah, it’s so bad. From last Thursday to this Thursday, there have been three days where I didn’t practise at all, two days where I practised less than I was supposed to, and only two days where I practised what I normally do. It’s just that so much has happened this […]

  8. Yawwwwn. (Suzanne)

    My college PPL tutor says that once the assignments all get handed in, law students just start to drift. Without the stress of looming deadlines, they decide to relax, showing up to fewer classes, putting less effort into note-taking, and ignoring the cases that they have to read for lectures. Almost all of them forget […]

  9. Life is elsewhere, and I'm going to visit it. (Suzanne)

    A few days ago I woke up, and came to the startling realisation that my life is boring. In fact, I realised that the most exciting thing that I had done the day before was watch somebody’s cupcakes baking in the oven. As in, I had actually sat there in front of an oven for […]

  10. Argh! (Suzanne)

    I can’t speak Chinese anymore. I tried to call my parents the other day, and I had absolutely no idea what they were saying. And I couldn’t email them either because I’d forgotten how the written grammar works. Crap. Cheeses, I’ve only been in this country for two months. This should not be happening.

Number of posts found: 42