Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. Another day where time is the only answer (Sophie)

    This weekend has been a bit quieter than usual but nevertheless very enjoyable. Tennis consumed a lot of my spare time between working down at the club and playing Sunday Social Comp at Melbourne Uni. After such a long break over last year due to Year 12 commitments I am slowly attempting to get back […]

  2. Anti-War rallies, parties, extra classes, and rapping. (Rick)

    A few weeks ago I went to an anti-war rally at the State Library. I thought I was going to go alone but I found one person who was also planning to go from my college. It was quite a big rally with about one thousand people. We marched down Swanston St. to Federation Square. […]

  3. The Calming (Rick)

    I’m just starting to feel things are calming down at Uni. The workload at university is intense, but somehow, you seem to get used to it. In the second week I was able to catch up on some reading I missed out on. (Due to looking out for second hand text books) It must be […]

  4. Through the looking glass (Sophie)

    Days have been flying by with their usual eventful tendencies; rushing from one class to another, sharing a joke here and there with a friend and then worrying that you’re behind on reading and nearly putting yourself to sleep by doing 3 hours of management study at once! Currently I am in the computer lab […]

  5. Reflecting on my Wild O-Week (Rick)

    This is a summary of the events that occurred during the university O-Week. Tuesday On Tuesday morning I managed to just be there on time to see my host, having been delayed by the signing of a petition to call for our government to call off the war. (or something along those lines.) The tour […]

  6. welcome to my crazy life (Lara)

    Heyy people, Firstly I’d just like to say sorry for being so late to start this thing. But I swear I have a valid excuse!! You see as well as starting uni this year I also moved from Sydney and am now living in one of the residential colleges…maybe as I get more confident writing […]

  7. Building castles in the shifting sands, in a world nobody quite understands (Sophie)

    Just a quick update on things. Firstly I want to let everyone know that my bio page is currently being formatted…so please excuse the fact I currently look completely out-of-proportion in my photo -I promise I don’t really look like that! I am crossing my fingers that by next week everything will be edited to […]

  8. The Most Important Things (Johanna)

    Warning to all – when you attend welcome sessions and transition workshops, there are a couple of very important things that they forget to tell. A basic rule I have now learnt is: wear comfortable shoes to uni. There is a hell of a lot of walking around to be done. I thought I was […]

  9. My O-Week (Chris)

    NOTE: This is a little late, apologies. But still highly applicable! O-Week is a great opportunity to experience at University what you’ll be doing when not studying and attending lectures and tutorials. For any Arts students like me, who only go to classes for about 12 hours a week, extracurricular fun is going to compromise […]

  10. Sunshine and Fairy Floss (Johanna)

    I am hoping that this will not turn into a bland recitation of ‘what I did on O-week’, so I feel I should introduce myself! My story will be much more interesting if you know where it’s coming from. My name is Johanna and I’m 18 years old, hailing from good ol’ Geelong (just over […]

Number of posts found: 192