Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. Just a sidenote…

    Well hi there! Apologies for me just slipping in here at the last minute. Not so unusual for me though…I often find myself running too early for something…and then I relax and slow down and end up being amazingly late…which is frustrating to say the least, especially with this whole new responsibility of getting to […]

  2. late introductions – Jane

    First of all – Welcome First_year@UniMelb readers! It’s taken a bit of time for me to get up and running and start writing in this blog – but I hope you will all learn a little something about the ‘First Year – fresher’ experience. A little about myself… My name is Jane and I am […]

  3. The long awaited break

    I’m slow on the up keep but the break has finally started! Woo hoo! If you could see me now, I have whipped off my shirt and am swinging it above my head in the air. When I reminisce on the past couple of weeks at Uni, I have only fond memories: the various camps, the Thursday […]

  4. The honeymoon phase (Jessica)

    is over. We all know the phase, those first two or so weeks of pure bliss where everything seems to be perfect. For Uni it was the days off, endless food choices, freedom of choosing to attend (or not to attend) lectures and not to mention the plethora social events that happened almost every day of the […]

  5. A humble beginning (Jessica)

    Apologises in advance that I’m a week behind (ironic how this correlates to my university studies) but never the less, better late than never! My name is Jessica and I’m studying a Bachelor of Arts, hopefully majoring in International Studies and Politics and Linguistics and Applied Linguistics! I’m referred to commonly as Jess but will […]

  6. The Language of Laugh (Benjamin)

    Hello, Okay, so today it became apparent just how rusty my French is having not spoken the language for a few months.  Went to the French lunch where we were welcomed and so forth in French.  Then something about the ‘Euroball’ was said.  I was translating for my friend, and in my slightly deluded state […]

  7. Exam time is the time to party~ (Silvia)

         Trust me to be away when something exciting happens. When I say exciting, I don’t mean the events that usually leave me red-faced. Oh no, this time, when I say exciting, I mean: DAMN, I REALLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE.      From what I heard, there were some drunks in the chemistry lecture theatre. […]

  8. Sugar high. (Candy)

    Okay, so this is a tad embarrassing. Here I was, all reassuring in my last Blog Entry, making (now evidently empty) promises to keep the world posted on my uni experience. Hasn’t it been about two weeks now? So much for my ‘A-Week-in-the-Life’ idea… …Which I guess is the perfect topic for me to address […]

  9. A WEEK IN THE LIFE: Day One [Or, Othello for Dummies] (Candy)

    Hope everyone had a Marvellously Merry Monday. I personally had a pretty good start to Week Three – although I really do need to increase my concentration span. It is seriously shocking, you have no idea. Lectures aren’t just an excuse to daydream. They are there for a purpose, and I should help them in their […]

  10. Blast of a week (Silvia)

    I won’t lie. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about O-week. Anticipating and feeling amused, perhaps, but not thrilled to bits. I’m not the type of person who screams “YAY!” when there is an opportunity to make friends. Usually, I’d just stand back and observe proceedings until someone either cracks a joke with me or I get […]

Number of posts found: 192