Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. Oh, a week! (Amy)

    PUN INTENDED. Sorry. So: this week was O-Week. Or Week-O? The week in which we undertake orientation, (that is, the process of becoming orientated) regarding our brand sparkling new university lives. Mine was useful and informative, but not particularly fun, and particularly daunting. On Monday, I grumbled about having to wake up at 7am. Caught […]

  2. Looming… (Candy)

    Sooooo, tomorrow marks the beginning of O-Week, and I’m equally excited as I am nervous. Let’s just say causing awkward silences is my forte. So while the thought of socialising with strangers causes my mouth to involuntarily snap shut and my vocal chords to stop working, I know that at the end of the day EVERYONE […]

  3. Applications Now Open for 2011 Orientation Host Program

    If you are a current UniMelb student and would like to be an Orientation Host in 2011 please follow the three steps below. 1. Applications to be a host are now open, so please take a moment to read the applications page at and then click on the link to apply via the database […]

  4. Chapter Twenty-Nine: Nothing That a First-Year Can't Do (~jinghan)

    Last week I went to the Book Club AGM (Annual General Meeting). Every club has to have one to pick a committee etc. And frankly they seem quite scary so I never went to any until my friend asked me to come to this one with her because she wanted to be on the committee. […]

  5. Chapter Twenty-Four: Feet Found (~jinghan)

    I was really quite nervous as the elevator made it’s way to level four. I was going to a dancing class run by the MUDC*. (It took me a while to work out what the acronym stood for and which of the 15 clubs I had signed up it was that was bombarding my inbox. […]

  6. The blog where I go to all the clubs

    Whose been a bad, bad bogger. I’ve been a bad, bad blogger. So after the shockingly annoying collapse of my night out (turned up to Public Bar and realised I had no ID. The bouncer actually laughed when I asked if I looked old enough to get in with out it), I thought I’d make […]

  7. Chapter Nine: Escapism (~jinghan)

    By the time I had finished considering my options my feet had already subconsciously let me to the Union House, and since I was here I may as well go to the Rowden White library. After all, if there was one reason why I purchased a union membership it was for this benefit alone - I may as well make use of it...

  8. In Case We Needed Proof That the Rowden White is Amazing (Cara)

    Today I was handed a Freddo by a grumpy-looking, unspeaking librarian as he slid my copy of Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress over the counter. No explanation. Just tiny, amphibious deliciousness.

  9. Chapter Eight: Camping Sans Tents (~jinghan)

    During the period when first years were so fresh, everyone liked to impart lots of wisdom on us to make themselves feel more experienced and smart, we were told to join lots of clubs and attend lots of camps. I can say that so far I've been on two camps, which is two more than I thought I would go on when I heard about the strange drunken experiences of other university students (- including the eating of a lot of hard boiled eggs in an egg-eating competition, and waking up next to a lake after a night of drunken festivities and an attempt to see the sunrise.)

  10. Chapter Six: Book Clubs and Night Markets (~jinghan)

    Previously in Jinghan’s life: After an exciting, nerve-racking, tiring orientation week. I sat down to count how many clubs and societies I had joined. I’ll tell you the number is 15, but chances are I forgot about some of them, so the total may be more. My advice: don’t. Anything less than 10 is a […]

Number of posts found: 192