Category: Social, personal & family life
To Certain Individuals Who Seem to Know Me SO Well! Wow!!..haha. (Lara)
I’m only going to briefly touch on this, as it’s not worth wasting too much time on. But just incase some/a certain…fan(s)… of this site didn’t know, I did not pull out of my examinations simply because what was described as “some boy i liked” blocked me on an instant messenger program. That idea is […] -
Left Brain vs Right Brain (Jeremy)
*** note to readers: from now on in the character in the blog formerly known as “C” will now be known by the pseudonym “Ophelia”… well, it beats using initials, at any rate!*** It happened again a few nights ago. I knew it would. Lying down, lights out, newspaper casually strewn across the floor on […]
KK for tea (Sophie)
So the other night I dreamed of eating Krispy Kreme… I craved the taste of such rich, sickly sweet donuts… I wanted to devour the fluffy textured cakes, iced in a tempting white frosting. And yesterday my dream came true. Presented to me at approximately 6:30pm was a box of one dozen, straight from Sydney, […]
Dear God; (Jeremy)
Dear God; I know I haven’t really been that great a citizen lately. I’m certainly no Mother Theresa; I don’t help the poor, or the orphaned, or anybody in great need really to any great extent. I know that I haven’t been buying The Big Issue all that much lately; it’s a question of finances, […] -
Medley Ball and Richard Berry’s cats. (Rick)
Last week brought the Medley Hall Masquerade ball. At the great venue of San-Remo Ball room in Carlton. My mask was green in a V shape with these shiny round things. A bit over half of people had masks, and about half were made by the person wearing it. One of the most interesting included […]
Public Transport (Jeremy)
A couple of nights ago, for the first night in a very, very long while, I got home in time to watch the news. Of particular interest to me was the article on Bracks’ brand new plan on spending for public transport until 2010. Good ol’ Steve and Peter looked straight at the camera and […]
helloo helloo. (Lara)
Ummmmmmmmmm… Well I have to make….a decision….in the next 2 or so days. Basically my life has been a mess for almost 2 months… and it’s gotten to me really badly. It just seems like bad things come in not threes, but three-thousands. So, the decision, is whether I am going to do only 2 […]
Being Jez (Jeremy)
EVERY Friday afternoon, tucked deep away in the far corner of that anonymous brown monolith that we call the Arts Building (the one on the corner of Grattan and Swanston), sat high on the sixth level, staring over the traffic and the people, roughly fifteen artistic, bohemian sort-of-people, attempt to have a French Discussion class. […] -
Rick’s Cheer Squad (Rick)
On Monday I started my lunchtime off by following a friend to the basement of Union House. This is the place where all the ‘geeks’ hang out and this particular lunchtime they were moving to the second floor for the ‘Fantasy appreciation society’. They were doing a writing exercise in completing short stories from short […]
Weekends? (Sophie)
I’m restless…my mind is on overdrive and it’s been a long time since I had trouble sleeping at night. I wanted to share how meaningful the advice a friend gave me on Friday was. For the first time in my life I had someone tell me “Don’t you think you’re being a bit unrealistic aiming […]
Number of posts found: 416