Tag: Lois

  1. Fluorescent Adolescent

    Wow, the first two weeks of university has flown by in a blur of french, socialising, sushi and softball. So indeed faithful reader(s), I apologise for failing to blog as regularly as I would like. In fact just to make today worse, I had typed up a blog, forgot to save the draft, and then […]


  2. Dance Dance

    “O-Week”; a week in which the “freshers” (or “freshlings”) are somewhat subjected to an initiation or rite of passage into the college to which they now firmly belong. My O-Week was indeed no exception – I walked into my college and new home more than a little cautiously at 11 on Saturday morning, with that […]


  3. Well alright!

    Hello everyone! My name is Lois (pronounced Low-iss, like out of Family Guy/Superman… it’s not “Louis” which I get called a surprising amount), and I am a first year student blogger, beginning at the University of Melbourne in 2010 (in about… 1 weeks time?!) I thought that as a first post, I should probably just […]
