Project Update June 2021

The start of 2021 has been a busy one, with a focus on onboarding community sites to the TEAMS platform, site activation and training meetings and the completion of the informed consent video. The team are working hard to get the first participant recruited into the study this month – a major milestone for the collaboration.

Recent updates:

  • Informed consent video completed with artwork by Bernard Kelly-Edwards, voiceover by Tracey Hearn and animated by Andres Gomez.
  • Community partners from Maari Ma, Wuchopperen and St.Vincents Hospital have all engaged in a session around the Culturally Adaptive Governance Framework (CAGF) and have been onboarded to the TEAMS platform.
  • The pilot study has recruited 37 out of 40 participants!
  • Training videos developed for Diabetes Education with Dr. Sharon Atkinson-Briggs, Ambulatory Glucose Profile video developed by Prof. Steven Twigg, using the Flash Glucose Monitoring System videos by Mariam Hachem. All training videos are accessible via Teams.
  • Study database complete (RedCap) with training sessions having begun for staff at sites.
  • Ethics amendments were submitted to St. Vincent’s HREC on the 3rd May and were approved on the 19th May 2021. These include changes to the device, amendments to questionnaires and data collected during study visits.

If you have any suggestions, would like to know more about the study or would like to be involved, please feel free to reach out to the FlashGM study team via the ‘Contact us’ page.