Muffie’s Postcard from Melbourne

Muffie Mazambani is an Arts student (majoring in Biology) from Amherst College in the United States, who spent a semester on exchange at the University of Melbourne as one of our Student Ambassadors.

Can you tell us about your program and why you chose it?

I decided to come to Australia because of Australia’s diversity and rich culture, especially in Melbourne. I chose the University of Melbourne not only because it is the best university in Australia, but because I heard Melbourne is one of the best places to be as an International student. I’ve always wanted to experience Australia since I was young and being given the opportunity to go to Uni Melb was an opportunity I couldn’t pass by.  

What was your experience when you first arrived in Melbourne? Was this different to what you had expected?

I came to Melbourne with few to no expectations because I wanted to be open-minded about this experience. When I first arrived, I was welcomed and assisted by so many lovely and kind people. And coming from a College to a University is very different, but it was unique because of the number of courses you could choose from, with one of my favourites being Street Art. Obviously, social media has a lot to say about Australia’s snakes and spiders, however, you ‌do not see them, especially in Melbourne. I did not expect to see any snakes, but definitely, more spiders, but I’ve only seen one so that was a pleasant surprise.  

What was your biggest culture shock moment?

There were certainly a good number of things that surprised me, one being the lingo. For example, I was having a conversation with some at the College I am staying at, and I told them I was from Zimbabwe and go to school in the USA etc. The other person then says, “Sweet as…”. Obviously, I’m waiting to hear what it was as sweet as, but they didn’t ‌say anything after that. After consulting one of my friends a few weeks later, they then explained that it meant sweet, cool, awesome etc.  

What has been the highlight of your overseas program?

Being able to play on the Melbourne Hockey Club team has made my whole experience so worth it. The team is full of such great people who want nothing but the best for you, but also because they are willing to help wherever they can. It’s nice knowing you have so numerous people in a new place who want to support you through the transition.  I also met Rach Lynch, a former Hockeyroo Olympian and 2019 Goalie of the Year! So that definitely was the icing on the cake.  

What is the one piece of advice or tip you wish you had known before you went on your overseas program? 

College housing is best suited for first-year and second-year students. Coming in as a third year was definitely quite the adjustment because most people are typically 17-19. International housing might be a better option if you want to be with people who are going through a similar route as you, and closer in age as well. However, College is a great place if you want to fully live the Australian College life, which in some way is comparable to being in a Sorority/Fraternity in the USA. 

What is next for you? 

I will finish my last year at Amherst College, and probably take a gap year to work. I plan to go to Medical school eventually, so I will give myself more time to study for the MCAT aka GAMSAT and work in the meantime.  Also, I hope to have been to an AFL game by the time I post this! 

Do you have anything else you would like to share about your experience?

This has been such a rewarding experience because I have learned so much about myself and about different cultures, especially the Aboriginal community in Australia. I am so grateful for the support I have received throughout my stay here through friends and teammates, as well as faculty. There are so many great places to visit here, and you will find a place that suits you. If you’re a foodie like me, Melbourne is a great place to be because there is so much diversity and you get to try new things.