Category: People

  1. IH’s student founders

    Many of the people regarded as the founders of International House were prominent in their fields. There were politicians, academics, a judge, and a surgeon among others (Larkins, 2018a, 34–7). But establishing International House was a community effort, and students too had important roles to play. Here we look at the three most prominent of […]

  2. The great trike race: an investigation into the history of sport at International House

    The history of sport at International House (IH) is one of great variety, from the range of sports played at the House, to the results of these pursuits. Despite sport’s rather tumultuous history, there remains one sport that perhaps best captures IH’s spirit, the Trike Race. While the early years from the founding of International […]

  3. The path to Clunies

    The wet and windy conditions of 24 May 1958 did little to stifle the atmosphere of optimism at the official opening of International House’s first accommodation wing. Ian Clunies Ross (1899-1959), after whom the wing was named in 1962 (International House Council Minutes, 1962), commended all those who “worked for so long and so nobly” […]

  4. The founders: Ian Clunies Ross

    Sir Ian Clunies Ross (1899-1959), known to IHers from the ‘Clunies’ building, was a veterinary scientist and administrator. He was also the first chair of the International House Council. Clunies Ross’ involvement with International House can be linked to his interest in international affairs and involvement with the Rotary Club of Melbourne. In 1950 and […]

  5. Ida and Ted Scheps

    In 2022 as we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Scheps Wing, we should also remember Ted and Ida Scheps. Theodor Alexander (Ted) Scheps (?–1969) studied at the South Australian School of Mines and Industries, later part of the University of Adelaide (“School of Mines”, 1906; University of Adelaide, 2022). In 1907, he began working […]

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