Category: Student Activities

  1. The great trike race: an investigation into the history of sport at International House

    The history of sport at International House (IH) is one of great variety, from the range of sports played at the House, to the results of these pursuits. Despite sport’s rather tumultuous history, there remains one sport that perhaps best captures IH’s spirit, the Trike Race. While the early years from the founding of International […]

  2. When was the first IH play?

    The International House Drama Club staged its first play in 1964. The Teahouse of the August Moon played at the Union Theatre from 30 April until 2 May. All the male roles were taken by residents of International House. In the absence of female IH residents, the lead female role was played by University of […]

  3. When was the first Satadal?

    As we look forward to the 2020 Satadal, in this History Mystery we look back at its very first issue. The first Satadal was produced in 1959.  Editors Andrew Deacon and Bill Holder explained its title and aims: ‘Satadal’ is a Sanskrit word used to suggest unity in diversity, and harmony in multiformity, as symbolized […]