Funded PhD position in Forensic Transcription – expressions of interest
It is not too late to put in an expression of interest for a funded PhD opportunity in The Research Hub for Language in Forensic Evidence, starting in February 2024. This opportunity is for a topic related to forensic transcription.
The first stage of the process is this expression of interest, and shortlisted applicants will be asked to submit a full application. Some of the main details about the position are listed below, and you can see the full details here.
You can also contact Helen Fraser in the first instance to discuss your project proposal (contact details here), or if you have any questions prior to submitting.
n.b. Domestic students can apply up until August 20, 2023. The international deadline has closed, but submissions are still possible – please contact Helen via the above link.
Project Summary
The Research Hub for Language in Forensic Evidence is pleased to invite Expressions of Interest for a PhD related to forensic transcription – the science and practice of providing reliable transcripts to assist the courts in understanding poor-quality forensic audio (in English or other languages) used as evidence in criminal trials. Forensic transcription is a new and evolving interdisciplinary field, and PhD Proposals are invited from students with any of a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds – e.g. linguistics (broadly defined), criminal law, cognitive science, forensic science, digital forensics – so long as the project focuses squarely on forensic transcription, and aligns with the research directions of the Hub. The successful applicant will be embedded in the Research Hub for Language in Forensic Evidence within the School of Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts.
Project Details
About the Project
Commencing in 2024, the PhD candidate will be hosted in the Faculty of Arts’ School of Languages and Linguistics and affiliated with the Research Hub for Language in Forensic Evidence. The Hub exists to assist the courts in ensuring that language and speech used in forensic evidence is managed in the best interests of justice and fairness. Forensic transcription is one of our key areas. We have already made strong progress towards bringing about appropriate law reform, as well as in developing and testing accountable, evidence-based methods for processing and transcribing poor-quality forensic audio.
We are now pleased to invite Expressions of Interest for a PhD located within the Hub, and aligned with our research aims. A specific, preliminary research project proposal should be submitted in your expression of interest. While the research must make an original contribution to knowledge on language in forensic evidence in general, you may propose your own project based on your academic interest and emerging expertise. We encourage applicants to use their EOI to demonstrate their understanding of the Hub’s goals and directions, and applicants are invited to feel free to discuss their EOI with the Hub Director, Prof Helen Fraser before submitting it.
We will further discuss projects with shortlisted EOI candidates, who will be invited to interview. One preferred candidate selected from the EOI interviews will then be invited to proceed to the full application stage. At this point supervision arrangements will be confirmed, and the Hub will work collaboratively with the preferred candidate to refine the focus of the project in preparation for the full application. The full application will be assessed by the School of Languages and Linguistics, with consideration given to the strategic alignment of the project to the Hub’s interest.
About – The School of Language and Linguistics
The School of Language and Linguistics at the University of Melborune is an internationally recognised hub for teaching and research in modern European languages and cultures, and in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, English as a Second Language and Language Testing.
Domestic and International candidates may apply. You must meet the entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy – Arts at the University of Melbourne including English language requirements, and demonstrate excellent capacity and potential for research.
You will also have:
- A strong academic record
- Demonstrated experience/interest in one or more fields related to forensic transcription
- Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team
- Demonstrated time and project management skills
- Demonstrated ability to write research reports or other publications to a publishable standard (even if not published to date)
- Excellent written and oral communication skills.
- Demonstrated organisational skills, time management and ability to work to priorities.
- Demonstrated problem-solving abilities.
For more information about the PhD-Arts program and application process and timeline, please visit this website.
And finally, here is another link to the expression of interest form.