Mandarin Teaching Module 1



DESCRIPTION: This module is designed to prepare participants for pairing up with a partner from the sister school in China.  This module consists of three parts: the audio training, the introduction to the iFish program and the hands-on task.



Step 1: Teachers need to coordinate for both schools to supply three mock audio files to each other.  The content of these audio files must to be in students’ native language. These audio files can be produced by any students or staff in the school, as they only function as an example of the real experience participants will encounter when they work on paring up with their partner at a later stage. The content of these audio files must be standardised to avoid confusion during the practice stage; the content of the files should include basic personal information such as name, age, grade level and zodiac sign.


Step 2: Teachers play these audio files in the class with participants using a worksheet to record information they deciphered (see worksheet template below).  Teachers will need to assist participants at this stage to ensure they capture the information required.





Teachers to go through the iFish interface and user manual



Step 1: Participants need to first record personal information audio files similar to the ones they practised in Step 1.  Once all audio files are ready to be uploaded, teachers guide participants in the process of setting up a personal file on the iFish program where they will upload their audio file.


Step 2: After all participants from both schools have created their personal files on the iFish program, iFish will select three suitable candidates for each participant based on their preferences.


Step 3: Each participant will need to explore their chosen candidates’ profiles; they need to read through each candidate’s personal information and listen to the audio file.  Participants will record the information they obtained in the worksheet provided (see worksheet template below).




Step 4: Participants need to rank their three chosen candidates in order of preference and enter their preference in the iFish program.


Step 5: iFish will then select the most suitable partner for each participant.






-The iFish interface is bilingual

-Teachers need to ensure the size of each audio file is not too large so it’s easy to upload