Mandarin Teaching Module 4



DESCRIPTION: This module is designed for participants to continue exploring the background information of their partners with a focus on their life in school. Teachers will need to prepare participants for the necessary vocabulary and language skills required for this module. This Module contains three tasks for each school; for the Australia participants, they need to find out the number of students in their partner’s class, what their partner’s favourite subject is and why, and to find out three funny things about their partner’s homeroom teacher. For the China participants, they need to find out the number of teachers at their partner’s school, what subject their partner dislikes the most at school, and three descriptions about the appearance of their partner’s teacher.


DURATION: 4 days (任务期限: 4 天)



Ok, now you have got to know a little bit about your partner’s and his/her family.  Let’s find out what his/her school is like. Please find out how many students are in your partner’s class, what is his/her favourite subject at school and why; also, ask them to tell you three funny things about their classroom teacher. Please make sure you ask questions and reply to your partner in ENGLISH only.


OUTCOME: When you have gathered all this information, please write a paragraph in ENGLISH about your partner’s school.


DUE DATE: You need to find out all the information by DD/MM! Have fun!





成果: 请将你所得到的资料整合起来并用中文编写成一段介绍你伙伴的学校的短文。


任务期限: 你得在X月X号以前完成这些任务哦!


Assessment 评估

Assess students’ comprehension of the responses they received from their partners based on their written summaries.  Please tick the box below to indicate the results for each of your students.



Student names (学生名字)

Entirely accurate summary of their partner 完全正确地描述他们的伙伴  


Partially accurate summary of their partner部分正确地描述他们的伙            
Mostly inaccurate summary of their partner 大部分不正确地描述他们的伙伴            
Entirely inaccurate summary of their partner 完全不正确地描述他们的伙伴            


Interaction Sample




-Like previous tasks, these tasks are intentionally designed differently between the Australian and Chinese participants in order to avoid unprompted sharing of information between students.


-In this module, participants are to use their first language to perform the tasks, i.e. the Australia participants use English and the China participants use Mandarin.


-This task elicited a lot of interesting information and vocabulary that Australian/Chinese students might not be familiar with, therefore, teachers will need to monitor this task closely to ensure students comprehend the descriptions. The original duration of this module was 3 days but it has been modified to 5 days here to ensure it gives teachers and students enough time.