Mandarin Teaching Module 8



DESCRIPTION: This module continues from Modules 6 and 7, and is designed to link directly to both schools’ language curricula in order to provide an opportunity for the participants to practise what they have learned from their language class. Teachers will need to ensure participants have adequate vocabulary and language skills required for this module.  This Module contains three tasks for each school; for the Australia participants, they need to find out what a parent of their partner wears to work by listing to an audio recording made by their partner in the target language.  They then need to sketch out the work outfit and write a description of the outfit in Chinese characters before they upload the sketch and description on Edmodo.  For the China participants, they need to find out what their partners’ school timetables are on Monday and Friday and their favourite subjects.  They will present this information by recording the information in the target language.


DURATION: 5 days (任务期限: 5 天)



For this task, your partner will record an audio about what his/her father OR mother wears to work. You will have to listen to the recording and try to sketch out a drawing to match the descriptions.  Your teacher will help you. Please don’t forget to reply to your partner’s questions in ENGLISH.


OUTCOME: When you complete the drawing, please write a description in Mandarin next to your drawing and upload it on Edmodo.


DUE DATE: You need to complete this task by DD/MM!



这次的任务应该不难,首先你得录制一段音频口述你的爸爸或是妈妈平时上班所穿的衣服。你的伙伴得听你的口述然后描绘出这套上班的衣服。所以得请你在录制音频时注意说话的速度和用的词语。有疑问的话请问问你的老师。我们这边收到你的音频之后,你就可以开始你们自己的任务。这次正好练练你刚学过的英文。请你问问你的朋友周一和周五这两天都上些什么课? 他/她最喜欢哪门课?  别忘了只能用英文向你的伙伴提问,谢谢!


成果: 请将你所得到的资料整合起来并用英文录成一个音频然后上传到Edmodo或发给你的老师。


任务期限: 你得在x月 x号以前完成这些任务哦!


Assessment 评估

Assess students’ comprehension of the responses they received from their partners based on their written summaries. Please tick the box below to indicate the results for each of your students.



Student names (学生名字)

Entirely accurate summary of their partner 完全正确地完成任务            
Partially accurate summary of their partner部分正确地完成任务            
Mostly inaccurate summary of their partner 大部分不正确地完成任务            
Entirely inaccurate summary of their partner 完全不正确地完成任务            


Interaction Sample







outcome Sample-australia particpants

M8_6 M8_5 M8_4M8_3        




-In this module, the Australia participants are merely deciphering the audio sound, so they must use English to respond to their partner’s questions.


-The module worked out really well, students really enjoyed the tasks.