Mandarin Teaching Module 7



DESCRIPTION: This module continues from Module 6, and is designed to link directly to both schools’ language curricula and to provide an opportunity for the participants to practise what they have learned from their language classes. Teachers will need to ensure participants have adequate vocabulary and language skills required for this module.  This Module contains three tasks for each school; for the Australia participants, they need to find out what their partners’ school uniform looks like by asking questions in the target language, they need to sketch out the school uniform with their information they gather and they need to verbally present this information in class. For the China participants, they need to find out what their partner’s favourite outfit is, the reason why they like it and the price of the outfit. They will present this information by sketching out the outfit and uploading it on Edmodo


DURATION: 5 days (任务期限: 5 天)



Since you have been learning about colours and clothes, let’s find out what school uniform your partner has (including colour, patterns). In this task, you will try to sketch out a picture of their school uniform using the information you have received.  Please don’t ask your partner to send you a picture of their uniform. Please make sure you ask questions of your partner in Mandarin only. Also, please don’t forget to reply to your partner’s questions in ENGLISH only.


OUTCOME: When you have gathered all this information, please record your verbal description of their school uniform and upload it on Edmodo.


DUE DATE: You need to complete this task by this DD/MM! Have fun!



下一个任务是让你们来问问你的伙伴最喜欢的衣服是哪一件? 这件衣服多少钱? 为什么你的伙伴喜欢这件衣服,请你的伙伴简单地描述这件衣服的颜色和样式。然后根据你所得到的信息画出你伙伴最喜欢的衣服,你不可以请你的伙伴发一张衣服的照片给你。请千万记得只能用英文向你的伙伴提问喔!另外也请你一定要尽力、尽快只用中文回复你伙伴所提的问题因为他们也得完成他们的任务。谢谢!


成果: 请将你所得到的资料整合起来并画出你伙伴最喜欢的衣服,然后上传到Edmodo或发给你的老师。


任务期限: 你得在X月X号以前完成这些任务哦!


Assessment 评估

Assess students’ comprehension of the responses they received from their partners based on their oral presentations.  Please tick the box below to indicate the results for each of your students.



Student names (学生名字)

Entirely accurate summary of their partner 完全正确地完成任务
Partially accurate summary of their partner部分正确地完成任务
Mostly inaccurate summary of their partner 大部分不正确地完成任务
Entirely inaccurate summary of their partner 完全不正确地完成任务


Interaction Sample







-Like Module 6, participants are to use the target language to ask each other questions, but they must use their first language to respond to their partner’s questions in this module.


-The module worked out really well, students really enjoyed the tasks.


-Instead of focusing on sketching the school uniform of their partners, the Australia participants were asked to submit a verbal description of the school uniform in the target language. While challenging, we found that this shifts the focus back to developing language skills.