Virtual Reality

The LAAA is currently working with the Research Team at the Virtual Reality Lab at the University of Melbourne. We are researching possibilities to use VR as a way to share Indigenous knowledge. We are involved in an ongoing conversation around Indigenizing technologies. How to fold in new technologies and practices into an Ancestral philosophy of knowledge-making? How to use VR to share culture ?

Maree Clarke trying the VR helmet.

On the first meeting, Friday 4th October, in the Doug McDonell building at the University of Melbourne, Maree Clarke, Mitch Mahoney and members of the VR Research Team started thinking about and experimenting with possibilities using these interactive technologies. These included: 

VR that uses depth cameras to recognize bodily gestures and represent them as avatars:; AR that projects your bones and muscles onto the outside of your body while you move:; 3D scanning of objects as well as room-scale immersive projection.

Maree Clarke and Frank Vetere trying AR projections.

The Living Archive of Aboriginal Art (LAAA) project would like to thank the following people for inviting us to tour the VR LAB:

Greg Wadley, member of the LAAA research team from Engineering; Zaher Joukhadar, software engineer ; and senior academic Frank Vetere . For more information visit the site: VR Lab Team