MEM Serendipity Night
July, the turn of graduation and orientation.
Graduates finished all their schoolwork and waited for the graduation ceremony.
New students arrived in Melbourne, to explore this new city and step to the new stage of their life.
MEM Serendipity Night is designed to celebrate the graduation of graduates and welcome the arrival of new students at the end of July. It was also the biggest ever event held by MEM Student Community, over 60 students joined in this event, as well as the MEM alumni and teaching staff. It was amazing that all 3 MEM cohorts, students in their 1st semester, 2nd semester and graduates, gathered in one room, which has never happened before!
In addition, the exciting MEM Peer Mentoring Program was launched, and the registration of mentors and mentees was open, please go to the relevant webpage for more information.
It was also an important moment for all committee members in the 2022 S1 branch, after this serendipity night, their tenure is going to end shortly.
In the past semester, this community grew from zero. Committee members met at the end of March for the first time with Achini and Felix to talk about the purpose of starting this community. Near the end of April, the community recruited all six members and decided on what kind of event they wanted to organize. In May, the MEM cohort got the chance to “Meet Your Peers” in a MEM students exclusively occasion. In June, students gained many valuable insights through the “What Next” discussion from MEM alumni. Then the gathering in “Serendipity Night” in July.
This rewarding journey would be one of the most memorable parts in their life at the University of Melbourne. If you are interested in event organizing or simply want to build friendships with your fellow students, please don’t hesitate to join us!
This event was attended by 57 graduate students, 8 staffs, and 5 alumni.