Industry Visit #3: West Gate Tunnel Project

In the third visit of the MEM Industry Visit Series held on December 13th, 2022, the MEM Student Community had an opportunity to visit Zone 404 of West Gate Tunnel Project. In this chance, students were allowed to enter the project area and see the on-going activities of the new bridge construction – a part of the Wurundjeri Way extension work. During the tour, MEM students were also given the chance to see the process of deck slab in-situ casting. Dylan (Zone 404 Project Manager) shared with us the insights about the bridge construction method, traffic management, and the way of CPB & John Holland Joint Venture collectively executed the project. The MEM Student Community were also accompanied by Tim (Safety Coordinator) and Richard Cain (Senior Health & Safety Advisor).

Learn more about West Gate Tunnel Project on the Victoria’s Big Build website.

This event was attended by 6 graduate students and 1 staff.

In the third visit of the MEM Industry Visit series, students were allowed to get hands-on experience on how a construction site works by witnessing directly some site activities such as in-situ slab casting and reinforcement bar installation. As the chairperson of this event, I am proud that the MEM Student Committee is consistently providing valuable opportunities to MEM students to see and experience the real professional working environment.

Syauqi Amani (student commencing S1 2022, chairperson of Industry Visit event)

Mr. Dylan showed us the concreting work on the elevated road bridge while also outlined the function and responsibility of the engineers in this project. He added that the corporation employed up to 500 engineers to handle the site’s activities including cost management, safety management, traffic management, planning and sequencing, and construction activities. We are sincerely grateful to have the opportunity of visiting the West Gate Tunnel Project.

Kien Fui Lai (student commencing S1 2022, participant of Industry Visit to West Gate Tunnel Project)

It was a really good opportunity to get in touch with the engineering environments such as bridge and tunnel construction projects — all of the knowledge obtained from classes were implemented on the projects in front of you. Standing on the construction site, you might also fully imagine your future career path ahead.

Ye Zeng (student commencing S1 2022, participant of Industry Visit to West Gate Tunnel Project)