Fireside Chat with Telmo Languiller-Tornesi

The MEM Student Community organised a Fireside Chat with Telmo Languiller-Tornesi a government and industry leader on Thursday, 14th of September 2023, from 16:30 – 18:00. Students had the opportunity to discuss about leadership, resilience and listen to Telmo’s insights and advise.

About Telmo Languiller-Tornesi

Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, Telmo is the first Latin-American to have been a Member of Parliament in Australia, 1999-2018. He served as Speaker of the parliament 2016-18. Prior to Parliament, he served the Australian Trade Union Movement and federal MPs, including the former Deputy Prime Minister, Brian Howe, under the Hawke–Keating Governments and served as Speaker of the Victorian Legislative Assembly. Telmo has been intrinsically involved in growing the relationship between Victoria and Spain and Latin American, and a pioneer in the development of the Globally Connected: Victoria’s Latin America Trade and Investment Strategy launched by Premier Andrews and Minister Dalidakis in 2018. Telmo retired from Parliament and entered the private sector and civil society in November 2018.