Month: April 2023
Novel solutions for pest management
Curious about the progress in managing insect pests in Australian grain crops? Don’t miss the GRDC’s latest podcast episode to catch up on the headway made by the Australian Grains Pest Innovation Program, as Associate Professor Paul Umina provides an update on the ground breaking research currently underway. Tune in here. It’s estimated the Australian grains […]
The wingless grasshopper that could cross Bass Strait, but not the Yarra River
Hiromi Yagui, Michael Kearney & Ary Hoffmann Most grasshoppers can fly and some, notably locusts, can travel thousands of kilometres. However, there is a whole family of grasshoppers in Australia that can’t fly at all, and they are not very good at hopping either. These are the morabine (or ‘matchstick’) grasshoppers, comprising around 240 species […]