Staffan Persson completed his PhD in Dec, 2003. The degree was a joint PhD degree between Lund University (Sweden) and North Carolina State University (US). He then pursued a postdoc at the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Stanford University 2004-2007 with prof Chris Somerville. Staffan was appointed as a Max-Planck Group Leader at the MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology (MPI-MP) in Potsdam in 2008, where he stayed until 2014. Since Jan 2015 Staffan is a R@MAP professor at the School of BioSciences at University of Melbourne. The research in his group aims at understanding how plants are producing cellulose, which is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth and a raw material for many industries, including paper, textiles and fuel.
Plant Phys paper online
Our paper on TOR and seedling greening is now online: http://www.plantphysiol.org/content/early/2018/07/26/pp.18.00684
Mike wins the Merck Innovation Cup!
Mike Ogden won the prestigious Merck Innovation Cup and with it 20,000 euros!! Well done and congrats!!!
Marc received continuation on his DFG fellowship!
Marc got a one-year extension on his DFG postdoc fellowship. Congrats!
Collaborative paper accepted in Nature Plants
A paper outlining the major UDP-GlcNAc transporter in plants, and its impact on N-linked glycosylation, was just accepted by Nature Plants. This project was led by …
Pawel gets Science abroad scholarship
Pawel Gluza was awarded a Science Abroad Travelling Scholarship (SATS). Congrats!!
Paper accepted in Plant Physiology
A collaborative paper with the Fernie and Giavalisco labs was just accepted in Plant Physiology. Lead author is Persson lab alumnus Yi Zhang, currently a PI …
Review in Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences accepted
Our review on protein-protein interaction analyses was just accepted in Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. Marc and Edwin were the major drivers behind this review.
Paper on tobacco tree genome sequence online on BioRxiv
Our paper on the N. glauca (tobacco tree) genome sequence is now online on BioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/06/20/351429. The project was a collaboration with several partners in the …
Ghaz received continuation on his FNS fellowship!
Ghaz just got his fellowship renewed for another 18 months via the FNS. Congrats!!
Our recent PNAS paper highlighted in PNAS
Our recent paper with the Mansfield and Samuels labs was nicely highlighted by Candace Haigler in PNAS: http://www.pnas.org.ezp.lib.unimelb.edu.au/content/early/2018/06/15/1808423115
Number of posts found: 154