Posted under News

  1. Plant Cell paper online

    Our paper on cellulose synthesis and expansion growth is now out in Plant Cell

  2. Amelie Mendrinna awarded Norma Hilda Schuster scholarship 2017

    Amelie Mendrinna was just awarded the Norma Hilda Schuster scholarship 2017 that can be used for travel and consumable costs. Congrats!

  3. Recent PNAS paper marks publication #100 for the Persson lab!

    The recent accepted paper in PNAS marks the 100th paper from the Persson lab. Huzza!!

  4. Another paper accepted in PNAS

    Our paper on quantitative image analyses of the actin cytoskeleton and Golgi flow was just accepted in PNAS. This was a nice collaboration with the group …

  5. Paper accepted in Science Advances

    Our paper that revisits ancient genome duplication was just accepted in Science Advances. This work was spearheaded by Persson group alumunus Colin Ruprecht and the group …

  6. Rene Schneider won Botany foundation travel grant

    Rene Schneider in the Persson lab won the Botany travel grant of $1500 to go to this years Cell Wall conference in China. Congrats!

  7. Paper accepted in New Phytologist

    Our paper outlining a gene expression tissue atlas and generation of co-expression platform for Brachypodium was just accepted in New Phytologist. This work was led by …

  8. We welcome visiting scientist Dr Chen Peng

    We welcome Dr Chen Peng from HZAU, Wuhan, China to the lab as a visiting scientist. Chen will be here for one year working on transcriptional …

  9. Paper accepted in Plant Cell

    Our paper explaining that growth and cellulose synthesis may be uncoupled during the diurnal cycle was just accepted in Plant Cell. This work was a nice …

  10. PNAS paper on UDP-arabinose transport is online

Number of posts found: 154