Posted under News

  1. Edwin receives Thomas Davies award

    Edwin was awarded the prestigious Thomas Davies award from the Australian Academy of Sciences; congrats Edwin!

  2. Fiona Kang new PhD student in the lab

    We welcome Fiona Kang as anew PhD student in the lab. Fiona will work on cell wall-related research in Marchantia.

  3. Dispatch piece in Current Biol

    Ghaz and Staffan wrote a dispatch piece for Current Biology on a paper that outline a microtubule-independent guiding mechanism of the CESA complex from the Cohen …

  4. Paper accepted in Bioinformatics

    A paper outlining an automatic pipeline for our quantitative actin organization tool was accepted in Bioinformatics

  5. Orianne Montulet new PhD student in the lab

    We welcome Orianne in the lab; a joint student in the Max-Planck UoM PhD program!

  6. ARC success 2019

    Marc was awarded an ARC DECRA and Staffan was a co-CI on a new electron microscope in this years ARC announcements. Congratulations.

  7. Paper online in Plant Physiology

    Our collaborative paper with Dabing Zhang’s lab on how RMD influences gravitropism in rice shoots by modulating the actin cytoskeleton is now online in Plant Physiology; …

  8. Paper accepted in Plant Physiology

    Our collaborative paper with the group of Dabing Zhang on actin organization and shoot graviresponses is now accepted in Plant Physiology.

  9. Paper highlighted in Development

    Our recent paper in Development was highlighted with an editorial piece in the journal:

  10. Huizhen Xu gets a Norma Hilda Schuster Scholarship

    PhD student Huizhen Xu just received a Norma Hilda Schuster Scholarship of $5,000. Congrats!!

Number of posts found: 154