Physiologia Plantarum review online
Our review on cellulose synthesis during cell division is now online:
How plants produce their biomass
Our review on cellulose synthesis during cell division is now online:
Rene Schneider was awarded an ASPB travel grant to present his research on primary to secondary wall transition at the conference. Congrats!!
Our review on cellulose and cell plate development was just accepted in Physiologia Plantarum!
Our review on plant cell walls (at a glance review) is now online in Journal of Cell Science
Heather was awarded the journal Plants travel award 2018. Congrats!!
The application portal for the joint PhD program between UoM and the MPI-MP/Uni Potsdam is now open. Applications can be made via this address:
Our paper on the internalization of the CESAs is now online in Molecular Plant
A collaborative paper with HZAU was just accepted in Journal of Experimental Botany. The paper focused on root hair growth and combined the csld3 mutant with ethylene signalling.
We welcome Mike Ogden to the lab as a new PhD student that did his MSc at McGill University. He will investigate how nutrient status is changing cell wall synthesis in a joint project between the Persson, Roessner and Hoefgren (MPI-MP) labs.
Staffan was awarded the Dean’s Excellence Award in International Engagement for the establishment of a joint PhD program with the Max-Planck Institute and University of Potsdam. A big thank you also goes to Ina Talke (MPI-MP), Mark Stitt (MPI-MP), Adrian Collins (UoM), James Perry (UoM) and Dick Strugnell (UoM) for your hard work to get this to work.
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