Quantum Science and Technology
- Cryogenic wide-field optical microscope with green excitation and sCMOS camera (based on closed-cycle cryostat attoDRY1000 from Attocube, base temperature 4 K):
- Wide-field optical microscope with green excitation and sCMOS camera (“Argus” system):
- Wide-field optical microscope with green excitation and sCMOS camera (“Zyla” system):
- Wide-field optical microscope with green excitation, sCMOS camera and temperature/oxygen control (“Bio” system):
- Confocal microscope with green excitation and single-photon detectors (“Python” system):
- Confocal microscope with dual-wavelength excitation and single-photon detectors (“Phoenix” system):
- Confocal microscope with liquid nitrogen cryostat:
- Combined confocal/AFM microscope (hosted at the Bio21 Institute):
Quantum Science and Technology