Ethics, integrity and copyright forum

"Plato-raphael" by Raphael - Unknown. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -
Plato by Raphael (photographer unknown) Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. wiki/File:Plato-raphael.jpg

Friday 30 October, 10:00-12:00  Baillieu Library.

An expert panel drawn from the Office for Research, Ethics and Integrity and the University Copyright Office will present a series of talks about how to avoid the problems researchers face when dealing with ethics, integrity and copyright.

Choose your own adventure in research integrity

The principles that make research trustworthy and excellent are honesty, fairness, courtesy, responsibility and accountability. The implementation of these principles into research practice depends on you! We will examine and discuss adventures and misadventures in research with a focus on data management, publication, authorship and when things go wrong.

From Concept to Publication – Copyright & Your Research

Copyright not only protects your research but also applies if you use material created by other people. Come and find out what your rights as an author are and how you can both protect and exploit your rights. We’ll also cover what you need to know if you want to use third party copyright material in your research publications.

Bookings here.


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