Market Research for Industry Engagement

Market Research for Industry Engagement | ICYMI

How might you better engage with your industry as a researcher? The Business Economics Library offers training and resources in this webinar recording.

In case you missed it, here’s the recording of the ‘Market Research for Industry Engagement’ webinar presented by Business and Economics librarians, Bernard Lyons and Kristijan Causovski. They highlight a range of market resources to identify organisations as potential research partners, and understand the broader industry context to help inform your decision-making. These resources are available to University staff and students via the Library.

Learning Outcomes

Watch the recording to learn more about:

  • Where to access market research resources
  • Researching organisations
  • Researching sectors and industries
  • The country PESTLE landscape – Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental
  • Industry news and current awareness

Download the session slides

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